Over the next few days I am going to be up to my eyeballs in holiday prep, so I wanted to take this time to say I wish each of you a VERY HAPPY AND SPECIAL HOLIDAY SEASON! I may have a post from time to time over the next two weeks or so, but probably it will not be anything regular. I will be visiting blogs throughout the season and look forward to hearing from each of you, and I will be responding comments on this blog. I also will be answering emails on most days.
I can tell you some exciting things are playing around in my head for 2009. I think it will be a great deal of fun.
I hope for you a season filled with peace and love. A time to spend just how you want to spend it. I also hope you have a bit of time to make a bit of art.
Have a Beautiful Holiday Season!
Dear Kim, may you and your family have a wonderful time together over this holiday season. Also hope you get time to nip in to your studio and throw a bit of paint around every now and then!
Love Dianne x x
These lights are so beautiful, Kim, like little tine mini-butterflies:) and I wish you and your family a nice, relaxing and wonderful time together, will keep in touch per e-mail and am looking forward to what your exciting things/project are for 2009:)
Have a good time
What are these little lights, Kim? I'm very intrigued by them,,,and they look quite festive.
Hoping all your family will be with you,,,,will you be having everyone at your house? Are you cooking? Lots of preparation going on, I'm sure.
Merry Christmas Kim, may His spirit warm you all!
Thank you for your lights and kind wishes for the holiday. and I hope you and your family have a wonderful, peaceful and joyful holiday too. It has been such a wonderful year, coming to know you Kim. You are a dear. Many blessings, Suki
Little Christmas spirits dancing in your garden! Beautiful.
Happy I couls see the lights in your garden, have a good holliday season and I think the posting and comments will be a bit slow with everybody in this time of the year. I'm looking forward to your new ideas. love..yvette
Hi Kim, Hope you are able to enjoy the holidays also!
have yourself a very nice Christmas!!!!!
love Marianne
Hi kim
Enjoy your each day and each moment with the happiness.I wish you and your family all the happiness and prosperity in life.
Marry Christmas.!
Bright Lights. (smile)
Merry Christmas!
I wish you good luck in the coming New Year.
Merry Christmas!
and to you dear kim, have a wonderfully happy and merry xmas and peace for 2009. hugs from your bloggy friend.
Happy Christmas, Kim.
You show a beautiful photograph on this post. It is original, and magical. It reminds me when I was a child and we were in Christmas in our village: when I looked at the shop windows with so many beautiful colored lights and Christmas decorations on little trees... it seemed to me that I was watching a magical world.
We need magic in our lives, and there is a lot of magic on your photograph, your cozy garden and the colored "snowflakes"...
Todo lo mejor para ti,
Juan Bielsa
Hello Dianne,
We have had a lovely holiday. I haven't had time to spend in the studio, but I have been working on preparing things for my web site, creating a FB page and working on some submission prep.
I hope you had a beautiful holiday...quiet, I bet!
Thanks Dianne!
Hi Andrea,
I hope you had a Beautiful Christmas with lots of Andrea time.
I am trying to get things in order before the first of the year begins. I seem to have a lot of bits and pieces to do.
We had a lovely Christmas Day and are enjoying these few days, too. I still have everyone home until after the first of the year! Hopefully, I can update my web site this week, too.
Hi Babs,
I bet that special little boyfriend sure made your Christmas exceptionally special! :)
Tee Hee...these lights are a reflection of our tree lights in the window! I loved the way they appeared to be floating.
A HUGE HUG to you Suki!
This past year you have brought so many joys to me and this blog! Thank you, my dear Suki!
Thank you, San!
Hugs Yvette!
I can say the posting sure has been slow for me!
I hope your Christmas was magical!
Thank You, Marianne!
Thank You, Sabi! The season has been full of joy. I hope the same is true for you!
Thank You Chewy!
Hugs to you, Soul!
Thank You!
Thank you, Juan! It is true...we need to find the magic in every single day!
Lovely Holiday Wishes to you, too, Juan
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