Sometimes, it is only feelings which create a painting. Three Hundred Sixty-Five days ago, my dear friend, Ruth, lost her battle with breast cancer. When I arrived back in my studio...I had been away for several weeks...this is what came out of me. I literally didn't know what had happened until I stepped back from the canvas to see what I had done. While it is still difficult for me to look at this painting, it is one that needed to come out.
Since Ruth's death, I have found that getting into my studio helps me to move through these very difficult times. While there is little more I can say, I can show you the painting. Do you ever have moments like this? I know Ruth taught me so much while she was here, but she continues to teach me about life. Sounds like things people say all the time, but it is so true. It is easier to understand once you can stand back from the issue.