Thursday, February 7, 2008

I Can Take A Hint

Kim Hambric ( asked to see some work I had abandoned (I just don't trash things), so here is one of them. You can see why. I really like drippy paint, but I just didn't have enough control of the pour here! It happens, you know? :)

But on to the topic of today -

"[There were only five galleries in those days, and the artists really depended on each other socially, psychologically, and even critically. It’s impossible now. Business sure screwed up the art world universally."]Robert Rauschenberg

Today Andrea ( left me this quote along with two comments on the post below titled "A Little Hint...And What Would You Like?" She had left another nice comment there about the things she would like to see happen here on this blog. ( I am keeping a list of these requests, so keep posting them.) Then earlier this week, Todd Camplin ( posted about how important the groups for artists to discuss art have been to the history of this profession. He said he knew the blogging world was important to us, but he was seeing the importance of creating a group. My response to him was I agreed, however not everyone had the chance to live in a place where a supportive group was available and the artist of the past didn't have the internet. But I can take hint, it is time to address these thoughts and get your input. Here are my questions to get the discussion going:

1. Do we need to create a more structured community of like minds similar to the past artists groups utilizing the internet and blogging, specifically? I mean not only groups of visual artists, but also literary people in keeping with what has worked in places like the French Salons or the NYC artists groups?

2. Would you be willing to participate regularly in such a group?

3. Do you think it should be open or by invitation? Or are two types of groups important?

4. What kinds of things do you feel we could gain from such an organized group?

I am really depending on your input for this one. It seems as though it is really quite important and it will require some committment from the group. But now is the time to voice your opinion. If, for some reason, you are not comfortable commenting here, then email me.

There is the opportunity here to be a part of something very exciting!

Have a Very Lovely Day!


Unknown said...

Dear Kim,
first of all: this is a great post !
I have to think about your 4 questions and will be back soon!

Unknown said...

ps i just love the idea of an artists group utilizing the internet, helping each other and communicating about everything connected to their work, I'm thinking joint exhibitions too, why not, very exciting, but now I'm far ahead here, sorry. I have to organize my thoughts and come back structured:)

Unknown said...

PPS: The painting!
It has a very organic quality, vanilla icecream and raspberry jam on blueberry pudding.

Andrea and Kim said...

Now this is just the kind of thing I am talking about. I love the idea of when you think of something you just say it as though you were sitting there having coffee with the others! Perfect!

I thought this might be a positive post for you Andrea! I also don't think you are jumping ahead. I think we need to do some serious brainstorming to make this happen, but exhibitions should be a part of that. In doing so, we can not only talk about the works, but it can inspire us, help us to promote each other and who knows(?) create a movement to be talked about!

You keep thinking and I have an idea some others are going to join in here with this least I hope so!

Funny about the is still hanging around my studio trying to get a message to me about change! :)

Thank you so much for being here, Andrea! I think we can move forward with some interesting things here!

I can't wait to hear more...

colorspeaker said...

Good questions,good subject matter, and over-all thought provoking. I need to think on it a bit. I do agree with the concept as a whole; I believe, even in the days before "cyber" connectivity, artists gathered wherever they could, to discuss, art, literature, the politics of the time. The artists seemed paasionately connected between the times they were living in, and the the creations they were producing. It is incredibly easy to be (in this present age)isolated; hence, Lazy, in a time when resources to reach, connect, learn, ask questions, is at ever turn-NOW-that is for this American to say. I know it is not like this everywhere. However, All the more reason to open that mind, broaden one's horizons, and, as I believe a true artist should always be doing-SEEKING throughout the whole process while reflecting their findings through their art.
Okay , sorry if i sounded preachy. Kinda got on a tangent.
See what you do to me KIM??

Andrea and Kim said...

Julianne, as you know, I LOVE your tangents. I think this is just the kind of thing we don't do enough and it sounds as though there are some of us who do need to make connections to give ourselves a voice and be heard.

Please, please think on some of these questions and come up with more of your own...YOU TOO ANDREA... Yes, we are going to have some differences because we are all around the world - I hope - but that is what is going to be the difference in this group from groups historically.

As you can tell, I am very excited about the possibilities presented here. Let's keep this up.

Thanks so much you two!

Todd Camplin said...

I am making a formal responce to your questions at my blog, but I just had to comment on your painting. All I can say is that it took me be suprise and that I really enjoy that drip over the minimalist background. That is a powerful contrast. Good Show!

Andrea and Kim said...

Hi Todd! Well, it is a suprise alright! I am really not so comfortable with it, but will see what happens!

You know I am heading in your direction now! I am eager to hear what you have to say! Maybe I am a bit frightened, too! Oh well, not really frightened, because I know you will say what you need to say! I appreciate that in you, my friend!

Thanks for the kudos!

Belinda Flores-Shinshillas said...

Dear Kim:
Let's do it!

1. Do we need to create a more structured community of like minds similar to the past artists groups utilizing the internet and blogging, specifically? I mean not only groups of visual artists, but also literary people in keeping with what has worked in places like the French Salons or the NYC artists groups?
A: In my personal experience I always learn more talking and looking at others artists work. I think we can learn from each other in this way more than by ourselves. The Art world needs communication and blogs and the internet are very good ways of communication. This idea of yours is very good.

2. Would you be willing to participate regularly in such a group?
A: Yes, I will commit to the group.

3. Do you think it should be open or by invitation? Or are two types of groups important?
A: I think it should be open, if we do this by invitation we are limiting the experience. The beauty of Art is that you can like the things than others consider bad, or you can consider good the things than others do not like, and everybody can learn from some one’s work even if we do not like that specific art work or statement.

4. What kinds of things do you feel we could gain from such an organized group?
A: Well… we need very much than the “Zeitgeist”; we need to open the gate than contains the spirit of the moment. The world is so big and so small at the same time that every artist is doing his or hers own thing and this important force is lost in the way. Let’s try to exchange ideas, work, feelings and our passion for Art, for change and we will see if the “Zeitgeist” can find its way back.

PS I am inspired right now by your idea...go to my blog later and to see...

Troy Camplin said...

I left the following comments at Todd's blog, but I wanted you to have them here as well.

1 Actually, there have been several organized groups. Other than the surrealists, there was the Modernist associated with Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound, the Vienna Group that included Wittgenstein, the School of Night, which included Shakespeare and Walter Raleigh, and the group that included Virginia Woolf. Fred Turner points out that there was "the circle of Tu Fu and Li Po in China, Renaissance Florence, the circle of Wordworth and Coleridge, the circle of Goethe, the American Renaissance that surrounded Emerson." Salons like these were vital to the creation of some of the greatest works of art known to man.

2. yes.

3. invitation. you want serious people seriously engaged in creating art and in ideas

4. ideas, having sounding boards. Dialogue is stimulating to creative production, even if the dialogue is not directly about art or your work.

Andrea and Kim said...

Oh Belinda! I am so very excited about all of the possibilities this project holds! What I am doing now is keeping a log of all of these comments as well as the postings about the possibilities from others. I want to be able to see the similarities and differences of opinions and begin to give this a bit of structure. I will then email the collection to those who are interested. I have said I would give it to over the weekend, but if you want to know what has happened before the first of next week, let me know and I will send you what I have collected to that point.

Inspiration! That is what we need to be doing for each other! I, too, am very excited!

Thanks Belinda! Your comments are very inline with most people's thinking to this point.

Andrea and Kim said...

Dr T! Thank you for posting here, as well. I am very glad you are interested in being involved in this project. I, too, think this group needs to be broad in the term of artists. As I said to Belinda, I am saving these comments and will be back with you the first of the week. Can I get to your email address?

If you have any other thoughts about this, please let me know.

Thanks again!

Troy Camplin said...

I think you can e-mail me through my blog, but just in case, you can reach me at

Andrea and Kim said...

Thanks Dr. T!

Simone Maynard said...

Rauschenberg's quote rings true.... i often think galleries have morphed art into something i often have no desire to be involved with. I don't wish to be pimped, just supported. it is rare these days to find a gallery that believes in what you do and encourages and supports you - through good times and bad. I have found the gallery world to be a very fickle one, though i have lucked out with one that has recently gone through positive changes. I know of some galleries who have completely destroyed younger or emerging artists who have fallen victim to their shallow promises... then, something better comes along - for the gallery that is. I know some younger artists who have found this quite soul destroying. I think another problem with galleries is that they have created a far more competitive world amongst artists... causing artists to be less supportive of each other. I find this sad as there are enough collectors and wall space to go round, and every one has different tastes and desires. I often wonder whether a community or group of artists would work the way it used to...its a nice idea in theory but it seems to me that today it has become more of a case of each to their own as more and more artists are choosing to go it alone...

Lynette said...

Kim this is a great post and I'm giving those questions some serious thought. I think it's very important for artists to network and form groups to interact and the internet has been invaluable for me. IRL I don't know any artists, except for a cousin, but I've met many wonderful artist friends through websites and especially our blogs and the experience has been just priceless!

Lynette said...

What a gorgeous painting and it reminds me of peppermint stalagtites!!

Anonymous said...

Love the colors and texture of this piece.

Andrea and Kim said...

Simone, I can hear you loud and clear with the galleries. Moving around does not make for good gallery relationships for me, either. I would love to have some representation, however it hasn't happened yet. And that is not because I have not approached galleries. On the same note, maybe I haven't approached the right ones. Every time I approach a gallery I am told I need to find one in a large city due to the work I do. But galleries in large cities want artist who are more established and stable. So I am kind of at an inbetween place with this issue.

It is very, very difficult to find the right gallery relationship, but the relationship is very important. I hope with a group of people who are serious about their art we can move forward with greater understanding about not only our art, but also about the greater art world internationally.

As always your comments, Simone, are insightful and leave me with a great deal to consider. Thank you so much for your comments.

Andrea and Kim said...

Thanks Lynnette!

I, too, have met some wonderful people in the greater world of the internet. As you know with Virginia being as traditional as it is selling abstract art is difficult. I know some successful abstract artist in NYC, but out side of there the east coast is a difficult market for abstract or forward thinking art.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the questions I posed as I want to move forward with other ramblings on Monday. Do come back and let me know what you think.

I am glad you like the painting...did I say I had pushed it aside as a dud?

Thanks again, Lynnette!

Andrea and Kim said...

Thank you Bonnie! Welcome to this blog. I hope you will visit again!