One of the newer blogs I have been reading lately is written by Paula at Second Studio in New Mexico in the US. While Paula shares her own art on her blog, lately she has been posing some fun questions to get your thinking and wondering about what might be. For example, she recently asked what her readers thought they might find behind a particular wall. I have found these posts interesting and inspiring and thought you might as well.
Another friend who posts thought provoking posts and asks what you might consider is Kate who writes Kate's Corner from Ohio, US. Now Kate takes us on trips around her town and sometimes even on vacation to Florida with her. She shares some fabulous art of her own and some she finds created by other people. She gets your imagination going with beautiful photos and tremendous adventures. Many of you know Kate and probably find her blog as inspiring as I find it!
I hope, if you have not, you will visit these blogs. I am sure you will find their posts inspiring and creative!
Now I spent much of the weekend in the studio...adding glazes! Are you tired of hearing about those? Well, I also began work on those small canvases you saw on my table last week. The glazes have not yet begun on these canvases, but this is how they appear to this point:
I have also been adding a lot more glaze to the other canvases I have been working on. Several of you have had questions about this glazing process and what it does for the painting. When I photograph it normally, it is difficult to see the glaze. So I have taken a shot of that large canvas from the edge. I am guessing this canvas now has about 80 layers of glaze you can see here. Remember, it is added thin layer by thin layer. Does this give you a better idea of how this appears?
So go out today and celebrate your own creativity and celebrate the creativity of others...I promise it will expand your own experience!
What blogs inspire your creativity? Who's creativity are you celebrating today? And what part of your own creativity do you find takes a lot of your time and patience?
Have a Very Creative Day!
Wow, Kim, what a post! Again so generous to share creativity with us and to lead us to other artist friends and to include me and Miss Doodle. I will be off to visit Paula and Kate, to see what's new:)
And your little canvases are delicious:) I love the way you used the combined surfaces to create something related but separate! And because it reminds me of some wall fresques and walls and stones put together to form something bigger, I'd hang them just like that, so that it looks like one canvas with many elements.
The big painting, glazed, one really gets the impression that the multilayered glaze is like a layer of cristal clear ice, I'm fascinated by this process and look forward to what it will be!
Have a wonderful day
Thanks Andrea!
...there is so much good in sharing, don't you think?
I am glad you like my little canvases. They are so different for me, but so much fun to do, too. You are right, it is like little stones. They have the silver paint which is so obvious, but there is also pearl and inference in that for a ton of reflection.
Do you think it would look good with the canvases hung horizontally or what if they were turned upside-down from the way I show it?
With this big canvas, I am eager to see how it will all turn out, too. This one has been a huge learning curve for me. I have to say I am learning a lot even if the whole painting doesn't turn out as I am thinking about it. I will let you know, though.
Thanks Andrea!
Kim ~
OMG, I love those 4 x 12 canvases !!!!
Ok, now I'm really inspired to try those glazes !!
I wish we lived closer ~ it would be fun to spend a day in one another's studio sharing ideas and having fun.
I love these !
And thanks for the link mention. You are a doll.
Yes! Oh thanks Paula...I am glad you like them. They are really fun to work on.
The glazing if so much fun, too. I am ordering a gallon of the soft gel in gloss today! LOL Do you think I am into it?
Oh, it would be great fun to put us all in a studio together...can you imagine that?
Sure, my friend! Things have been happening fast here this morning, so I am slow getting things done here.
Life is Fabulous, isn't it?
Thanks Paula!
The strip canvases seem to reflect the interior designer in you. The background color transitions from panel to panel. All those little shapes remind me of fabric patterns, even though they are squares, they flow from one canvas to the next, like a smooth river. I like this orientation for a wide wall... and perhaps hang them vertical, as if spilling down, on a tall narrow wall.
Thank you, Chewy!
I have really surprised myself in doing these, but you are spurring me on to try some more of them. I really like flowing shapes...a hold over from ID, maybe, like you said.
It is interesting as I have worked hard to separate from that part of my life in my paintings, but maybe I need to embrace it rather than fight. Fabric...another love.
You are all depends on the wall orientation! Completely true!
Thanks always you have wonderful insights to what is happening here.
Kim these small canvases set together to tell a story are wonderful. I turned my head sideways to see what they might look like from another orientation. I like the way you have them here the best I think. Have you seen Chuck Close's recent portraits. They are made up of little shapes within shapes like these but in the end, as he does them on such huge canvases, they turn out to be a face.
Thanks for the links to Paula, Kate and Andrea. Paula commented on my blog so I went to her blog for the first time. Well, she had shapes within shapes too. And those wonderful reflections about creativity. Looks like you were quite busy on the WE. So wonderful.
I must say, I have felt very creative in the last few days, and am wondering if the attention via the interview has flared my fire? Acknowledgment and feedback, they are two lights in the solitary journey. Thanks Suke
Suki, I have not seen Chuck's recent works, but I am going to have a look/see. I am glad you like them...I may have to try some others...maybe larger with more detail!
I am glad Paula has commented on your blog and you are enjoying her blog, too. I had not thought how she had shapes in shapes as I did! Yeah! WE are great!
Oh, I am so glad for your creative burst...I am also enjoying the benefits on your what you are working on there.
Maybe I should market my interviews! help your creative fire!
Seriously, though, you are so right about acknowledgment and feedback! I also love them!
Thanks So Much Suki! You are a dream!
I've dropped out of blogland for a while, back in the studio painting, painting, painting. Got some things accomplished after the usual "OMG, where do I get started???" panic after an absence from the easel.
You on the other hand, Kim, are a veritable powerhouse of energy and inspiration and dedication! How inspiring to see all of those canvases!
And to read what you have to say about these other bloggers. Whose blog inspires my creativity? YOURS.
...and I have missed you too, San! But hey, if you have been in the studio...well, who can argue with that, I ask you?
You are right, being away does give you that feeling of having lost the touch...but it can never be lost, can it? :)
LOL...oh, I wish I was more prolific. The issue here is my tiny studio where I have to leave things to dry, do something else, then go back for more time. Of course, there are the other fun things family, you know!
Oh, there are so many fabulous art bloggers out there and I feel so inadequate to give the kudos you all deserve. But I can say, I do try to give a fraction of what I receive.
Thank you see, how do I ever give back such a kindness as your words here? I am very touched you find this blog inspirational!
Life is fabulous!
Kim, first let me say thank you for the nice words about me. You are too kind.
Second, I too like the vertical canvases the way you photographed them. They do speak of the designer in you, I agree.
And yes, along with San, YOU inspire me to keep going. It does require a lot of patience, but it is worth it. And Suki gives me lots of wisdom and strength too. Thanks all.
Hi Kate...No, I am not too kind - I don't think people can be too kind...just maybe sometimes uncomfortably kind :) depending on the situation.
Yes, you do like those? They are so different for me, but I have to say it was also lots of fun...I am going to have to give it another try in a differnt way. I think you and Chewy have encouraged me to go ahead and embrace my past life! :) Thank You!
Ah, thank you so know I can't do this without the great people like you. But you have to know you are going to give me a bigger head than I already have! :) I have to say San and Suki are the ultimate "S" sisters! :)
Thanks So Much Kate! You are incredible!
Kim, If you hang them the other way round, then that is interesting too! I looked at it that way, it is then like silver steps leading to higher regions:) and leads the eyes 'up',
whereas, when they are placed like in the picture here, the eye will move to the right, following the silvery wall ornaments. I think I'd prefer the wall/fence, as it has so much dynamic when I look at it.
Hi Andrea,
And with the overall width of these being small, most walls will call for them to be hung this way (although, there are always exceptions). As I played with them a bit yesterday, I think I like them in the longer, wall-like, format, as well.
You are so sweet to be thinking of this...gosh, I know you have tons on your own plate right now, too!
Thanks so very much!
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