Today I have a book I would like to share with you. Shaun McNiff wrote Trust The Process to help people heal through their art, but I have found it does just what you give me...the permission to move forward to make the art I need to make. The courage to keep on going even when I wonder if it is really worth it. This is one of those books I refer to when I have doubts. I have also shared it with a friend who found it also inspiring. Normally, I don't know when the doubts will hit, but I know where to turn when they and this book.

Along the same lines, this morning I found this blog which was just set up for a new book called, Art From Intuition. While it is not yet available for sale, look for it on the market next month. I think I will look into this particular book, too.
I like to have books like this on my shelf...being the book person I am. I have a stack beside my bed, another by my chair and a lot in my studio! But there are some which are just favorites. Do you have favorite books you return to when you just need that extra boost?
Have a Great Weekend! Be Safe! Be Creative!
Thanks for the link to Art From Intuition. That's one I'll be sure to add to my overflowing bookshelves.
Hi Chewy! You are ever so welcome. I think you and I have the same book habit! :)
Thanks for visiting.
Thanks for sharing this book Kim! I'll have to check it out.
A book that helped me is Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. I think that this book can help people of all abilities, from those who think they cannot draw to professional artists. School taught me to become tighter and more rigid in my drawing. This book helped me to go back to the freedom of drawing I had, had in childhood (especially as a left hander) and to mature. It taught me to draw like a painter and see in a whole new way. I recommend it to ANYONE who hasn't yet read it.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Fiona, I do think you will like this book. I think you can get it in England...I am quite sure I saw it on Amazon when I was there.
Oh yes, I know Betty Edwards. "The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" is a very good update from "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" which I purchased 20 -25 years ago. I have to say I agree with you about how much that can help with drawing. It is interesting how school can tighten up things, isn't it?
So you are a lefty? A right brained person all the way, uh?
Fiona, I am glad you reminded me about this book. I am going to add some books to my list here and include Betty Edward's.
Thanks So Much!
love the picture of the fox in the yard! And yes, I have several books I turn to when I need a little nudge. They change according to the need at the moment!
Thanks Mary...that fox played and played out there. We have seen lots of wildlife in this little yard of ours.
Are you willing to share your book titles?
Thanks for visiting, Mary.
What a great photo of the little fox! I used to see fox and lots of deer when I would drive to work really early in the morn sometimes. I think my favorite book is 'The New Creative Artist' by Nita Leland. I always go back and reread parts to get inspiration. Have a great weekend Kim!
Hi Kim, what a nice surprise. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your commenting on it. I' m sorry, but my English isn' t good. I must go back very rapid to Old England to learn more. I try it!!!
I' m astonished to learn that foxes are near Washington, DC! I would never think that, because the land is so large, the nature so great!!
But I see your picture! In Berlin, our capital, you can find also foxes and wild boars in the city!
I also did a look at your interesting painting, I like it very much, and so I will come back soon.
Have a great weekend
Wurzerl, Munich in Germany
Hi Lynette! We have a lot of wildlife here in our little yard, too. But the little fox was kind of a surprise. We have counted as many as 5 deer back there at one time.
Yes, I do know Nina Leland. She clearly is inspirational...that is very sure! Thank you for sharing that with us! I need to take a look at this book...her latest, I think.
Hi Kim, This looks like a good book to have around. I like to collect 'supportive' books too. Two of my favorites for nurturing the process are: Creating an Imaginative Life by the musician, Michael Jones, and Fewwing the creative Spirit, by Adriana Diaz. Check 'em out. Great fox shot. Cool Kate
Wurzerl! Thank you so much for visiting me. I love the photos on your blog so much and your insights into the lovely gardens are beautiful. As you probably know, Andrea put me onto you!
Your English is wonderful. If I were to read and write on your blog in German, I would have to use our online friend, Bablefish.
I think sometimes wildlife comes into urban areas because life is easier on them, if they can stay away from traffic. My son has told me he has read where there are foxes in New York City! So there you have it! Berlin is a large, spread out city, so are the foxes and wild boars found in parks and natural areas? I know sometimes it becomes a problem when they begin to feed themselves on human food, though. There is a great deal of wildlife management which goes on with grizzly bears in the western US, because of that issue.
I am glad you like my painting...thank you! I look very forward to having you come visit again! I will also be back to your blog again and again! Thanks so much.
Hi Katie! Thanks for visiting me today. And thank you so much for the book suggestions. I am going to go now and take a look at them.
I hope you enjoy "Trust the Process" and you will visit me again!
Kim, yes, I have favourite books surrounding me. They comfort me. It is cosy to be with books:) there are always several in reach. Today I resisted bying a book with chinese sketches in the book-store of the museum du Quai Branly. I guess I will have to go back there and buy it soon:)Have a great weekend
Ahhh Andrea, you are right....books are a huge comfort! I am a bit funny in that way since my daughter is a writer, though.
Uh Oh! Resisted buying a book at the Museum du Quai Branly? You will go back...I love books from museums! The National Gallery here has the best bookstore!
You have a great weekend, too! Andrea!
Thank you Kim for the information of ART from Intuition.
I spent fourteen years knowing that I could become an artist at least technically but could NOT come up with any ideas. I was searching my brain but in the wrong way. I was being too literal and verbal perhaps...
How was it that you avoided becoming an artist sooner?
Hi Daphne, I thought there would be some people who would appreciate hearing about that book. I think it looks quite good and the link site provides a great deal of information, really.
Well, Daphne, possibly unlike you I had been taught to believe I was a designer...a very creative designer, but designer never-the-less. It took me so long to undo my education enough so I could give myself "permission" to be an artist - what I was truly meant to be.
I also took some years off to raise my children and they helped me understand how much I needed to be an artist as opposed to designer. Children are wonderful like that. :)
Thanks for visiting and have a lovely weekend!
So many books,,,,so short a life time! I see another in my future,,Art From Intuition sounds fabulous!
Love the fox,,,we see all kinds of wildlife also,,,and especially on the way to the lake. Bobcats, deer,,,and we saw a gorgeous BALD EAGLE last year. Yesterday we had a huge (at least 14in. long) black woodpecker with a brilliant red head in one of our trees at the lake.He was amazing,,,white stripes on his neck. He is the second one we've seen there.
I have to say I agree that Art From Intuition sounds wonderful. It is going on my Amazon list very soon!
I remember all of that wildlife when we lived in Oklahoma, too. It was cool...only I did not like the snakes at all. But we lived out in the middle of a wheat field there...along the Arkansas River...we saw some snakes! The last day we were there, driving out, I saw a bald eagle with a snake in it's talons fly right in front of me! Nope, after all those years in Texas, I have never gotten used to the snakes. We had one of those here last summer, too!
Thanks, Babs!
We get foxes here every night in Bristol, (UK). Quite a few times I've seen one walking along the street without any fear! The worst thing about them is the terrible noise they make at night.Sometimes it sounds just like a child crying!
On a lighter note, my own favourite book which helps the muse is the Artist's Way, - never fails me!
Hi Jess! You know I have heard a noise like that at night, but I didn't know what it I know! They also like little rabbits and things like that! :(
Ah, yes, The Artist's Way! A great book to be sure! It is always great to have your own special reference.
Thanks so much, Jess, for stopping by.
Kim, that fox reminds me of the coyotes we get. In our front yard as well as our back yard. I always enjoy seeing them.
Trust the Process. I certainly like the title. It resonates.
Art from Intuition. That one too. You always have such great recommendations. Thank you for providing them.
Hi again--Yes, I have some favorite titles. I like having Robert Henry's "The Art Spirit" around and I often will pick up anything by John Hay (a nature writer) to read bits and pieces from to inspire me. I have a shelf where Natalie Goldberg, Julia Cameron and Barbara Kingsolver reside and sometimes I just look at the books and smile. I could go on and on but those are what first come to mind.
Oh, thank you Mary! I know Rober Henry's "The Art Spirit"! You are right it is a lovely book. I do not know John Hay, but will be looking up his work. Thank you for the recommendation. Yes, Natalie Goldberg is fabulous...I like her paintings, too. Julia Cameron...very good, and Jess also mentioned "The Artists Way". Oh Yes! In this family, we all adore Barbara Kingsolver. Which is your favorite? I can't decide. "The Poisonwood Bible" was very good, but oh so sad in places.
Thanks Again, Mary!
San, you know I love finding these treasures! I am looking forward to "Art From Intuition" being published and can't recommend "Trust The Process" enough.
Thanks, San!
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