Untitled Acrylic 18 x 24 deep, gallery wrapped canvas
You all know our friend Andrea who was my first conversation. Well, it seems as though she has gone very international with these interviews. Last week, she had another one published 0n the French blog, Doucement le matin, pas trop vite non plus l'apres-midi! (Please excuse my inability to type the accent marks.) You will need to scroll down to the date of "25.03.2008", but you will recognize the paintings. If you read French, please go and read it. If you do not read French, go and see some of the art shared there and if you want to translate the interview, you might consider using Babelfish to get an idea of what is being said (sometimes the translation is a bit fuzzy, but you can get the idea).
There was a very nice response to my post yesterday by Jess on her blog. She also posted an incredible sketchbook sketch along with a very inspiring post. I think you will enjoy a visit to see what she has to say and to see the wide variety of art she does.
What? No Questions Today? Not on your life.... Tell me about some of your inspirations, some great sites you love and/or how spring is showing itself in your art.
Have a Fabulous Wednesday!
Hi Kim. I love your flowers and the vase they are in is just stunning.
I remembered the name of the artist your graphic art reminds me of: M C Escher! www.mcescher.net Check it out.
I visited Messy Jessie's blog and I like her abstract art too.
Funny about the deaf similarities. I am a little hard of hearing, too, from childhood ear infections. I read lips a lot to help me out. Oh well. Have a great day!
Thanks Kate! They really are quite beautiful. The flowers came with a vase, but I chose not to use it as I wanted the stems to be longer with more foliage than the other vase allowed. The vase I have them in was given to my for Christmas by my daughter. She purchased this from a student art sale at LMU where she is in grad school. She said when she saw the colors, she thought I had to have it! :)
M C Escher! Well, I never thought of him. Thanks for the link....I am going there in just a bit.
Jess has some nice work. I am glad you visited her. I know you and Andrea are friends, too. Are you reading her interview?
I am also a bit hard of hearing, but not bad. I can use sign language easily, of course, but don't need to do that. I get confused with vowel sounds mainly.
Thanks Kate....you also have a really wonderful day!
Hi Kim thanks so much for mentioning the interview on your blog.
Your painting is great, deep and vibrating. It goes so well with the bunch of flowers in it's matchin vase, I love the red of the tulips against the almost electric blue of the other flowers (Hycinths?)
Have to think about your question, as always,
have a great day
Absolutely Andrea! I think it is important to keep these connections going. I was very excited to see she had done this interview with you.
Thanks for the thoughts on the painting...as I said, it is old.
You are right, those purple flowers are hyacinths and the aroma is delightful! The vase does work well, doesn't it? Elizabeth was pleased I had a chance to put it to use.
Well your thinking is always appreciated as your comments are so insightful!
Thanks Andrea...I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Just getting back to Oregon March 28 in a snow storm here in Albany, it was hard to see Spring until today. I went for a walk and I saw some little birds with a little yellow crest and throat but the wing feathers are blue. Have no idea what these small song birds are. Keeping my eyes open to nature is my inspiration today. The deer are eating our tulips so I will try an buy some cut flowers.
An inspiring blog to check out is http://travelswithamuse.blogspot.com. I like the interviews of women artist. He does photos of the artists in action. Also check out his links with Paul's illustrated poetry.
Hello Diane! How was your trip? I bet wonderful...but back to snow. But I like snow, too.
I am not a good birder, but the ones you describe sound quite beautiful. Nature is incredible inspiration to be sure.
Deer are really creatures to enjoy some of the same things we enjoy early in the spring...only they prefer to fill their empty tummies while we prefer to fill our spring visuals.
Thank you for your suggestion of the Travels with A Muse blog...I look forward to exploring there...and reading/seeing the poetry, too.
Thank you, Diane!
Hi Kim, you have a gift for blues that are warm, rich, deep and mysterious! Love the recent pics you have posted and thanks for visiting my blog.
As for spring inspiraton here north of the border I am still waiting for blobs of crusty snow to leave my garden. I need to see some grass - please! Hennie (In Kingston ON)
Hi Hennie!
Thank you...I can't seem to get away from those blues...I have not figured out if I understand them or they understand me! LOL...but I thank you for saying they are "warm, rich, deep and mysterious"...those are great words to my ears about my paintings. I am glad you like the recent works I have shown...I love sharing them with people here.
Well, those snow blobs will be gone soon...I bet the grass is waiting to show itself one beautiful sunny day when a soft breeze blows.
We are still having our cool days...I am enjoying them!
Your blog is a real inspiration! Thank You.
Kim your painting looks wonderful! You achieved great depth with this one and it's like a blue fantasy of cracked ice! What an absolutely gorgeous bouquet you recieved for your birthday, they must be very special friends! Ooooh, that vase is wondrous too.
Thank you, Lynette! It never ceases to amaze me when I put old things up here...cracked ice! That is an interesting one, too! It is so lovely to hear what other people have to say about these pieces. Thank you for your kind, insightful words here.
Cindy and I have been friends for 32 years... we go a long, long way back and have been through so many parts of life with each other! Yes, she is very special, indeed!
Thanks Lynette!
Thanks so much Kim! You inspire me too! I've been having a day of coincidences today. I've been drawing more balloons, then the first blog I read this morning had balloons, then just when I start on a painting of the thankyou gift Caroline gave me yesterday, there they are on your blog - my favourite flowers, purple tulips! :)
Cool, Jess! I am glad you are drawing more balloons! It sure is a day of coincidences for you! I am glad you like the tulips...you know it is a joy to be able to share all of these things with so many people! Everyone gives so much to me, it seems it is a simple way for me to return the love!
I can't wait to see your balloons and your penguins are really fabulous, too!
KITES,,,beautiful, heaven bound kites,,,in that gorgeously deep blue background!
Hey! I never thought of that, Babs! How Cool! You always have the most wonderful visions!
Thanks so much, my friend!
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