Friday, November 28, 2008
This little painting is just watercolor on rice paper. I did this the same time I did the flower one I showed here earlier. The same method was used with rubbing some paint from the tube onto the paper and using a spray bottle to move it around a bit.
Soulbrush has tagged me. While I have run out of people to tag, I thought I would share with you the 7 different things and open up the tagging to anyone who would like to run with this. I have found sometimes having a tag or an award in my back pocket helps when I need a blog post. :) I love to get the conversations going, however I also have to be in a place to get my head around it. Anyway, here are the 7 more unusual things about me:
1. The best place for me to solve problems is in the shower. I have been known to take a shower at all times of the day.
2. My favorite movies are humorous ones.
3. I can't go to sleep at night without an hour or so of reading.
4. I am often easily overwhelmed by crowds.
5. When something is important to me, it consumes my entire life.
6. I often refuse to follow directions just because it is someone (somewhere) who has told me how something must be done. This is why I am a terrible baker.
7. I also do not do all that great with anything requiring great precision.
So there you have any of these resonate with you?
I hope you are looking forward to a lovely weekend and please consider yourself tagged!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Giving Thanks
In the United States tomorrow, we will be celebrating all the things we are grateful for in our lives. In my family, and in many American families, Thanksgiving is a very important holiday. One of the things I always feel grateful for are the many friends I have around the world. Thank you for being here to share with me and others.
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Premio Dardos Award
This award is from our dear friend Suki. She has given me an award with a description which touches my heart.
This award is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing (and Suki adds in art work)...that's the general idea. I am truly honored to receive it. Thank you millions Suki.
The rules of this award are as follows:
*Show the image of the award on your blog.
*Link back to the blog that gave the award.
*Nominate 15 other blogs that you consider deserving the same. (What? 15?)
*Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve selected.
So here is my list of nominations:
Some of you may already have this award, so my apologies ahead of time. I also will get around to letting everyone know about this as soon as I possibly can, but you might have to be a little patient with me this week.
Have a Very Beautiful Day!
Friday, November 21, 2008
A Little Refreshment
I am continuing to work on our Thanksgiving celebration. It honestly is the cleaning I detest the most. :) If I can get through that, I can shop and cook the beginning of next week. Needless to say there is not any painting in my near future.
One thing I can do for you, though, is give you this award for honoring me with your presence and your comments, and I can wish for you to have a Very Beautiful Weekend!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Busy Days
Do you ever come across items you have not known about before and even have a difficult time locating on the web? This summer I needed some white acrylic while I was traveling. When I went to the local art supply shop, I found this brand. I have since tried to find it on the web but have not had luck with that. It is student grade acrylic, but I was really just piddling around. So I purchased this, new to me, brand A>2. If you ever find yourself wondering about this brand, I found it to be good. One of the things I like about the packaging is the opening for the paint to exit the tube is small. One of the things I do not like about the packaging is it is plastic!
Okay, so that is basically all I have today. I have to get back to my organizing for next week. Does having a group of people over for a meal take a lot of prep time for you?
Have a Beautiful Day!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday's Bits and Pieces
I have also come across an article about what makes people successful in their chosen careers. Of course, artists are not profiled and a portion of this article suggests just what artists have known all along. Actually, I was reading it when I remembered a story I read from a source I cannot put my hands on now (if you know it, please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due). A professor of art teaching a pottery class at an American University decided to divide his class in two parts. Those students in one half of the class would receive an A if they could create the perfect pot by the end of the semester. The students in the other half of the class would receive their grade based on the quantity of pots they produced during the semester. As you might guess the "perfect" pot came from the students who also produced the greatest number of pots in the semester.
I do not get nearly the quantity of time in my studio I would like, because there are so many people who depend on me. Maybe I should spend time at night painting. Do you feel you get as much time as you would like in your studio?
Everyone have a beautiful day.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Weekend Play
This is one of the things I blotted up a little bit. It is also on (white) rice paper. I had used some sumi ink and a sumi brush to draw the lines. Then I just squeezed a little paint from the tubes on the paper at the ends of the lines. After that, I just sprayed the paper with distilled water to move the pigment around a bit. Then used some powdered pearl pigment to sprinkle over the top.
I know this is not much to share with you, but it is one of the things I did between the glazing layers. One of the things I have learned is there are a limited number of applications where I prefer to use a brush to paint with. Do you find you like brush-less painting? When I do use a brush, there are a few which are my favorites, though.
Some of my blogging friends are having a difficult time right now, so I send each of you a lot of energy to get through these tougher times. And for everyone have a Very Beautiful Monday!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Fly Away
I tried a few things like this in a large sketchbook with some charcoal. It was fun to do and made me want to pick up charcoal more often, but it was not enough.
You know where this is leading, don't you? So here you go:
After a lot of playing around with paint on this canvas, this is what I ended up with. It is 30" x 40" gallery wrapped, staple-less canvas in all acrylic. The splattering which appears "white" in the photo is actually pearl glaze. Yes, I know it is not centered and that seemed quite right to me for several reasons...this image knocked me off center a bit and it added to the feeling of flying away. Now, with that in mind, I have decided to title this painting, "Fly Away". I decided to photograph this before I add the clear glaze as it is a lot easier to get some kind of reasonable photograph. I hope it will leave me alone now.
Does this happen to you when an image continues to irritate until you work through it? Rarely do I have this problem, but this time it drove me crazy. Maybe one of the reasons is I could not paint as often as I wanted to paint. I do not know.
I hope to spend some time in the studio this weekend. I have a few more things I need to accomplish, but that is always the way, right? How about your weekend, are you looking forward to something fun?
Have a Great Weekend!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Call Me Tagged
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. List seven (7) unusual things about yourself.
3. Tag seven (7) other bloggers at the end of the post and comment on their blogs to let them know.
The first person to tag me was Jess. So here are the seven unusual things for her tag:
1. I was born 50 years ago in Biloxi, Mississippi as a military brat and raised in Virginia as a farmer's daughter.
2. I am a terrible housekeeper.
3. When I take on a project I become obsessed with the details, and the project consumes me.
4. Blue is not my favorite color - purple has that distinction.
5. I have moved 27 times in my life.
6. I love Birkenstocks and boots!
7. I tutor an interior design course through a school in England.
And these are the seven unusual things for Marianne, who was my second tagger. She thought I was kidding when I asked if I had to give 14 unusual items. Here you go Marianne:
1. I am a pescetarian (pescevegetarian or piscetarian) which means I would be a vegetarian if I did not consume fish.
2. I am a worrier (especially about children, human abuse and the environment).
3. My sensitivity level goes way over the top of normal. :)
4. My children have been my greatest teachers.
5. I have a facebook page.
6. My husband and I have owned 9 houses in 6 different states in the last 25 years (we rented two houses when we lived in England).
7. I considered majoring in Biology at one point when I was a teenager (like that would have worked out).
Now, I am supposed to tag seven other people (no, I am not going for 14 there since I have to leave some room for some other people).
Everyone have fun!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Now many of you might wonder what in the world takes me so long to paint these very minimal works I create. The answer to that - the application of the glaze. Sometimes it takes me a long time to get the painting the way I want it, but more often than not it is the glazing which takes forever. In the case of the painting I am showing you the application of clear glaze took 4 to 6 weeks after I had the base painting done. But the build up of thin layers of clear acrylic brought a depth I can't show or even describe. I do urge you to try this sometime. Here is the recipe I use:
2 parts distilled water
3 parts soft gel (gloss)
Blend this together until smooth and allow it to sit for 24 hours (some may feel this is overkill, but it gives me peace of mind) to allow the bubbles to come to the surface and dissipate. Brush on prepared painting allowing each layer to completely dry before applying the next layer.
This is also a good recipe to use to embed things between layers of glaze. I have actually seen paintings where items and paint appeared to float above the surface of the canvas when it was embedded in enough layers of clear glaze. Maybe I will try that next. :)
Normally, I have to have at least one painting going and be glazing others. Right now I have a real back up of those needing glaze, but that is the way it goes sometimes. So now you know what takes me so long to accomplish these paintings. The good side to it is I can have glazing going all the time and do not need a lot of time to slip in there and apply some glazes, nor do I have to "get in the groove" to do this.
So do you have techniques which take you a long time to accomplish? Do you find speed is important in your work? Do you obsess with details?
Have a Beautiful Day!
Monday, November 10, 2008
It Happens from Time to Time
I also thought you might enjoy this article. While this artist probably isn't really strapped for cash, it says a lot about our fiscal vulnerability, doesn't it?
I hope you had a wonderful weekend. It was lovely here and I spent yesterday working on a painting which has been waiting on me for sometime. I look forward to visiting your blogs to see how things are going in your part of the world.
Do you have plans for a fun week?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Let Me Introduce You
Today I want to introduce you to a really wonderful artist who has been commenting on my blog. You may have already found her, but if not, let me introduce you to Dianne McNaughton who writes the blog The Art of Intuitive Painting. I have been quite inspired by Dianne's art as well as her writing. She shares a great deal about how she works through her creativity and has many wonderful and delightful ideas. She lives and paints in Cape Town South Africa. Her work is diverse and reveals itself in both abstract and realistic forms. You will enjoy visiting and reading her blog as well as her web site. I look forward to a wonderful blog and art relationship with Dianne and hope you will find her as fascinating as I have.
It is my hope you are all having a wonderful day!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Off Of The Brushes of Babes
I know many of you find inspiration in the work of other artists, but do you find inspiration in the art of children? Babs has shared some lovely work from her little grandson which is really wonderful, too. Do you think we have things to learn about art from children? I do.
I know I have neglected this and your blogs over the last week or so. I am now working to get back to you and going again. Mainly, my family has been my focus, although together we have been focused on a few extraneous issues here, too. I thank you all for being patient with me. I will get going again here before too long.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I normally would not do this, but...
And here is one last thing for anyone who is an American, if you have not done so...VOTE Tomorrow!